Relevant deciphering of your customers expectations.
Development & implementation of efficient lobbying.
Improving your probabilities of successful bids.
“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is a progress; working together is a success.”
Henry Ford

Recognized expert & advisor
- both nationally and internationally
- in the area of lobbying strategy and business development
- on defense and security markets.
French Army Colonel (retd)
- IHEDN’s auditeur (Institute of advanced Studies)
- Graduate engineer in aeronautics and space (Sup’Aéro)
Strong professional background
- International Defense & Security Advisor (NATO & EU)
- General management of key operational Companies
- C4ISR technical & operatinal project management
Today as head of AUGMENTI – Consulting, he provides his ability to quickly decipher the main stakes, the human factors and key success factors to propose the winning solutions.
Two executive structures
C&V consulting
Consultancy and expertise activities dedicated to companies that wish to accelerate their development :
- On defence and security domains
- On the national and international markets of the EU and NATO
Identification of company assets through survey and technical-economic assessments,
Identification of contractual opportunities through dedicated marketing and economic intelligence services,
Counseling and coaching to support the bidding process and in particular the drafting tender documents,
Management support following the bidding process (lessons learned, project management requirements, etc…).

Consultancy and expertise activities in support of companies for :
- crisis management,
- change management
- cyber resilience building
Identification of company IT requirements through survey and technical-economic assessments,
Counseling and coaching to carry out change management strategy, to meet cybersecurity requirements and to improve the resilience of the company,
Development and maturation of innovative cyber-technologies solutions,
Integration of innovative prototype tools in support of Defense & Security Market.

Augmenti Consulting acts transparently on behalf of its clients. Its approach to relations with international organisations is based on a rigorous ethics respecting the principles and values contained in the ethical charters of the Association of Lobbying and Public Affairs Councils (AFCL) and the European Public Affairs Consultancies’ Association (EPACA).
*(the ethical charter applied by C-V Consulting recognizes and incorporates values and ethical rules but is not a member of AFCL and EPACA)